Blockchain Game


MonsterBit – is an analogue of famous cryptogame with interesting additions for both players. We did not reinvent the wheel. We took the successful project and made made it stronger from the point of view of functionality and more vibrant from the point of view of design. To the normal reproduction and a unique DNA, we have added the maturity of heroes at the expense of feeding them. Also, there were implemented many interesting features, which we are going to reveal further.


We accept ETH

4 Round: 100 000 MB

1MB = 0.002 ETH

Total issue of tokens:

4,082,743 img


Buy and sell monsters of different ages and generations. All transactions in the system are made via Ethereum in the currency of ETH.

MonsterBit Ready game

Monster Marketplace

Buy and sell monsters of different ages and generations. All transactions in the system are made via Ethereum in the currency of ETH.


Only big monsters can be breeded. Small monsters need to be feeded by hamburgers to become big.

Food Marketplace

Through food small monsters become big, and big ones can enlarge the speed of recovery after reproduction. You can buy food in the shop or get it through watching commercials.


Users can fight each other to gain food, weapons or the monster. The weapons will be sold in the shop.

Monsters Fights

Your monsters can advertise goods and you can get real money for it.

Advertising Monsters


We hope to enter the external market

What you get

The token holder receives:

Token MB allows you to buy SYSTEM monsters which generate the system You can buy or sell the token at the inner market We hope to enter the external market

SYSTEM monsters. They do not grow and do not breed. They generate the entire system. Initially, they can be bought only for tokens. In the future you can sell them in the monster shop. Token holders automatically become sellers of all the valued goods in the game. The System monsters will be generating, selling and providing you the profit. 1 token = 1 System monster. The point is in quality, but not quantity.



They generate commission on purchases and sales of monsters to the users. Monsters gain part of these commissions.


They generate Monsters GEN 0 and also sell it for ETH.

Sell food

They generate all the food for monsters and sell it. I.e. the tokenholders will sell food for ETH to the users.

Sell weapon

They generate blusters and its refill and sell them for ETH to the users.


The dates mentioned are estimated. We will do everything to speed up the process of creating the game. We are going to strengthen the team after gaining finances.

Road Map


180/200 eth


⦁ 100 monsters Gen0 ⦁ Buying and selling monsters Gen0 ⦁ The smart contracts of buying and selling ⦁ Website update ⦁ White Paper update ⦁ Architecture of the game


555/1000 eth


⦁ Food Shop ⦁ Feeding ⦁ Recovery time reducing


⦁ Monsters propagation ⦁ Advertising monsters ⦁ The online-shop of toys ⦁ The game release. Part 1

01.07.2018 - 30.08.2018

Sale: 3 000 000 MB, Price: 0,001 eth


⦁ Battles game design ⦁ Arms armor, ammunition shop


⦁ Monsters battles - Release ⦁ Release. Part 1


⦁ Mobile apps

Our future

Mobile device
